Saturday 28 November 2015


All laws under the Crime Against Women (CAW) category are anti men laws. Mostly FIR’s are registered on mere statements of women. People arrested and trial continues for decades. But have we ever thought what we are getting by these laws??

Here are few very terrible figures to look upon about CAW, got them from NCRB 2014 data, it shows us figures till 2014-

Total cases pending in CAW are 11,23,423. Maximum contribution is of 498a with 4,99,642 cases.

For all CAW cases we have 3,29,974 men in custody and 12,02,555 men on bail.


21.3% of conviction rate in CAW and which is as low as 13.7% in 498a and 10.2% in DP act.

Friday 27 November 2015

How many of CAW cases are false?

Recent incident of a husband suicide really made to think on this very serious problem our society is facing and the danger ahead.

Harassed by in-laws and wife, man commits suicide

Monday 23 November 2015

Indiatimes deleted pics of Men's issues due to fear of feminism.

On Men's Day 19th November very strange happened in our country. Feminism who boasted and portrayed itself as if they work for equality, showed true colours. Indiatimes uploaded some pics addressing issues faced by men but few feminist considered it as a threat on their agendas and objected it. Indiatimes due to fear from feminism deleted its pics. It clearly showed feminism never wanted equality but supression of male, thats why they pressurized and got introduced more than 50 women centric Biasedlaws. Also it showed how much media houses fears of these feminist that they can't dare to present truth. It is very ususal that a news about woman makes headlines and breaking news but even suicide or death of a man never qualifies for it. Following are the deleted pics of Indiatimes which are all correct, let us check them one by one.

Tuesday 20 October 2015


Gone are those days when women were "Abla nari".

Nowadays not only women are successfully performing in various fields but almost equally doing crimes and violence. Abusing laws is very common as either there is no punishment given to them or mercy is granted to them.

Thanks to side effects of women empowerment introduced by feminism which started by talking about equality but ended up asking for special rights and biased laws blindly in favor of women.