Ours is a country of Vedas and Ramayana with a rich cultural
learning’s, on the basis of which our society’s norms and beliefs are based. We
are born and brought up with those beliefs deeply rooted in our thinking. We
have unsaid rules and regulations. One of them is about marriage and related
responsibilities. A husband or father has a responsibility to earn for the
family and to give structural supports to the family. On the other hand wife is
one who takes cares of household activities and children. This is an Indian
Nobody can rate roles of husband or wife less significant as both are equally significant. It is in this way many families have been successful and produced successful persons in our country. There are lots of examples of successful people highlighting the significant contribution of their father’s hard work for their studies and building career. Also number of examples would be there about emotional supports of mothers at home. It depends on compatibility and matureness of husband wife that they sometimes or many, plays each other roles as there are no strict fixing of responsibilities.
Nobody can rate roles of husband or wife less significant as both are equally significant. It is in this way many families have been successful and produced successful persons in our country. There are lots of examples of successful people highlighting the significant contribution of their father’s hard work for their studies and building career. Also number of examples would be there about emotional supports of mothers at home. It depends on compatibility and matureness of husband wife that they sometimes or many, plays each other roles as there are no strict fixing of responsibilities.
But nowadays our country has lost the essence of our
culture, Western culture is so aggressively destroying it that chaos are spread
everywhere. When we look at matrimonial relationships around us, we find people
running to courts and fighting cases and for what, MONEY. Western culture which
is about luxuries, freedom and development has made us greedy.
I tried to explore the reason found a word, “FEMINISM”. I
googled it and tried to find the meaning found that ,
“Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a
common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic,
cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to
establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.”
Then I looked at what Feminism has brought to our country. I
found several biased laws for woman, Dowry death, Rape, 498A IPC, 509IPC,
Domestic violence etc. The tragedy with these laws is the high biasness of
laws, allegations by woman are considered as prima facia proofs against the
accused. It was very disturbing that Feminism started with advocating for
“Equality” and resulted in biased laws. The losses due to these laws are many,
according to a survey about 64 thousand married man suicides every year, lakhs
are arrested, faces trials for so many years, wastes hard earned money to
police, lawyers and corruption in courts. The most draconian of these is Dowry death
and 498A IPC. Any death of a married woman is first treated as a dowry death if
it is before completion of seven years of marriage, on the other hand suicide
of man is just a simple another suicide. Allegations of a woman in 498A IPC are
enough proofs for charging husband and family under this non-bailable offence. Bail
is the most difficult part in these cases; person has to allow big holes in
pockets for it.
It was very disturbing when I look at my country in context of these laws-
Ours is a
country which is 85th in corruption index of Transparency
International India (TII).
Trial for
a crime against woman case runs for minimum 5 years as disposal is just 15.8%
as per NCRB data 2013 means our courts are incompetent.
rate is as low as 15%.
No punishment
for false cases for woman.
police is termed as “colonial” by our SC. And when we look at the work of
police in these cases it disturbs us a lot. They just file charge sheet without
proper investigation in more than 90% cases.
We will find that it is very easy for a woman to misuse the
law and destroy the life of any person. Woman can destroy life by false rape or
509 IPC case if not married, if married 498A IPC is there to trap you, even
saying “No” to wife can be domestic violence in DV Law, wife can have illicit
relation and make you pay for the monthly expenses in CRPC125, if you seek
divorce it goes in court for years and at last you will lose you half of
property in alimony or more.
On the other side when we look at these laws we found that
they are all based to check the responsibilities of man and assuring the right
of a woman.
CRPC 125 assures to maintain the wife.
HMA assures property rights to woman on divorce.
DV for staying rights at husband’s home and
But there is no responsibility of woman defined in any law.
There are laws to punish man if he doesn’t perform his duties but no law for
woman. A Woman is free to do anything. In
a culture where we had responsibilities of husband and wife divided peacefully and
no said rules were there, Feminism has injected a pest or a virus in it. So
with biased laws in hand woman easily use them to settle personal scores and
earn money. Rest of the work is done by our delayed judiciary system and
corrupt police. I tried to find out who are these feminists who advocate such
draconian family breaking laws; I was surprised most of them are either
divorcee or activists who are well settled. It is surprising who have never
visited any village talks of conditions and societal norms in a village. Our
government makes laws on recommendations of these feminists who don’t even know
the meaning of family bonding, family values and our culture.
Lots of questions come to our mind; Do we really need these
laws in a country based on Vedic culture? Can laws be so biased? Why there is
no punishment for false case accuser who destroys whole life of a competent
person in courts? Who is responsible for suicides of innocents? Who is
responsible for the sufferings of old parents and other relatives of husband?
You have made laws in which no proof is required, but mere allegations are
sufficient to accuse a person for criminal offence, who will certify those
allegations? Do we think woman is always true and man is always false? Can’t a
woman use the big loopholes in laws for earning money or settling personal
But as the laws are made on recommendations of feminists so
laws don’t consider a woman to misuse the law. Feminist have been very clever to
achieve what they desired but it was not which defines Feminism, because it was
“equality” on which it was based. Demography of our country has changed so
much. If we talk about a parameter of change that is Literacy rate of women,
then we will find that it started from around 25% in 1951, 30% in 1981 and
grown up to 65% in 2011 census. So chances of misusing laws are more, one
cannot still consider woman to be “abla nari”. Nowadays women are in every field;
they learn, earn and perform in different fields. But when we come to courts we
found woman lieing about their jobs and showing themselves as helpless to claim
huge settlement amount and alimony.
It’s high time that government should scrap or amend the
biased laws. At least there must be punishment clause in law so that they are
not misused. This Feminism has developed a grievances in man which shaping like
agitation. People across the nation are voicing against the biased laws because
it has spread everywhere, 498A IPC cases are so common that so many are affected
with it. But still there is no Men’s commission in our country to take care of
man, we have for animals but not man. There are no laws to help man.
Forthcoming is a major event organized by Save India Family
on 5/5/15 at Delhi called as “Delhi
Satygrah”. Government must look into the recommendations of the group and
scrap or amend the draconian laws.
(Views are personal)
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